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Category Archives: Estate Planning


Four Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Cognitive Function, Delay Alzheimer’s

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is a devastating reality for numerous Americans. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative condition that causes cognitive decline. While recent research has made great strides in determining how Alzheimer’s transforms the brain, the prognosis for those with the disorder hasn’t significantly improved in recent years. Yet researchers continue to make strides in… Read More »

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FDA Greenlights New Drug for Early Alzheimer Patients

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

An advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently unanimously voted in favor of greenlighting a new drug, donanemab, as a treatment for early Alzheimer’s disease. When asked, “Does the available data show that donanemab is effective for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the population enrolled in the clinical trials… Read More »

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What is a Life Estate and How Does it Work?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Those who own a home that they love may dream of giving that home to someone in their family to ensure that the estate stays within the family. But the process of ensuring that the home stays in the family isn’t always simple. An individual who wants to ensure that a piece of real… Read More »

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Virginia Court Holds That Life Estate Maintained by Part-Time Use

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

In an unpublished opinion, the Court of Appeals of Virginia affirmed a lower court ruling that two women were not considered the remainder beneficiaries of a life estate created by their aunt. The appellate court, in making this ruling, found that a personal residence does not require sole or exclusive use. Intermittent use was… Read More »

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Appeals Court Rules That Agent Acted in Best Interests of Deceased Client

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

When you have the power of attorney over another individual, it is important to remember that you have a fiduciary duty to act in that person’s best interests. Failure to do so can come with civil and criminal penalties. However, it’s not always obvious that an agent has acted in the best interests of… Read More »

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Early Memory Problems in Alzheimer’s Linked to Higher Tau in Brain

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

A new study, published May 29 in Neurology, sampled neurologically healthy older adults without measurable cognitive impairments, but who were concerned about the function of their memory. The researchers looked for links between memory loss and signs of Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered that people who self-reported memory loss were more likely to have elevated… Read More »

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Wife Found Guilty of Second-Degree Reckless Murder of Her Husband for Failing to Summon Medical Treatment

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

A recent case in Kansas, State of Kansas v. Carol Sue Burris, involved a wife facing criminal charges for failing to summon help for her dependent husband. She was found guilty of mistreatment of a dependent adult and second-degree reckless murder. The case recently went before the Kansas Supreme Court where justices were asked… Read More »

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States Resume Eligibility Checks for Medicaid Leaving 23% Uninsured

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

During the pandemic, the federal government offered millions to states to expand Medicaid coverage for their citizens. Now, with the pandemic in the rear-view mirror, many states are renewing eligibility checks. This means that many Americans are being dropped from the Medicaid program leaving them completely uninsured. A recent survey on the results of… Read More »

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New Study Indicates Adults are Aging Faster and at Increased Risk of Cancer

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

A new study revealed that adults are aging faster and this is putting them at increased risk of cancer. In recent years, cancer rates among young people have significantly increased and experts have been researching why. A new study suggests a potential cause: younger generations are aging biologically faster than older generations. As a… Read More »

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New Study Suggests That MIND Diet Can Slow Aging Process, Lower Your Risk of Dementia

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

The MIND diet is an acronym for the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet. You may have heard that there are proven benefits of following both the Mediterranean and DASH diets, but a recent study suggests that the MIND diet may help slow your aging and reduce your risk of developing dementia. A recent… Read More »

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